Hello~Happy New Years! It's been a while hasn't it? I was traveling over Christmas break and when I got back, somehow didn't get around to writing about it yet... and I think of doing it now but.... somehow, I have this really strong desire to forget the world for a few more days, and just play lots of video games. Or make some cosplay project. Or sleep. I should study or in someway do SOMETHING to make an effort towards improving my Japanese skill... does reading Japanese-language manga count? ^_^
I just wonder if I was always so lazy or if since coming here I'm wasting more time... I've to spend my Monday, Wednesday and Sunday mornings on Skype talking to my boyfriend and sometimes my mom... THAT's not a waste of time, but now that it's Wednesday again and I get up early deciding not to sleep my time away and- after breakfast, I'm back in the bed for another hour.
What should I be doing?? What do I need to do? If I only could make up my mind, I would do that. I don't want to waste this precious time that I had dreamed about, prepared for, and spent so much money on.
...............what to do, what to do, what to do, what to do...........................................