see, great reasons (^_^)
so this isn't really the blog i wanted to post to tell what's been happening, but I'll do. It's actually a letter to friend Gene-chan so that's why there are a lot of "you"s. Enjoy~! (@^_^@)
but yah after I left Cali for Japan and my mom came with me, I was taking her everywhere and didn't have much a chance to sit down and type. Oh and I was a blithering idiot and lost my cell phone on a train the day before we were leaving Tokyo to go to Kyoto (>.<) not only did I have to pay like $70 to get a new one, I lost all my contacts, my pictures, and some rare-ish anime keitai straps ( DOUBLE >..<) It was like winter's unforgiving hand was trying to put the choke-hold on spring and yelling "I'm not gone yet, dammit!!"
but even as i'm just getting started here, i'm painfully aware of how little time I have left, like 4 months. wow, that 2 month spring vacation went REALLY fast... I have to start thinking about going back now too.... apartments, class reg back at SFSU, and any last minute travel arrangements (I may go to Hokkaido right after school finishes on July 26th and before i have to go back on the first week of August)............................
i just was wondering..... i wonder this is too early to be leaving? I went home to recover and re-center myself, but I wonder if that has let to my eyes becoming stuck in that direction rather than the present life I have now...?
also I have a lot of stuff i want to complete like searching online for an event to cosplay my Menos Grande costume, writing my blog, begin writing the book based on my Life in Japan ...
i'm too hooked on playing Zelda: Twlight Princess. I'm not kidding you , even me sitting down at my computer and commiting myself to replying to you has taken serious amount of effort!! i find myself coming home from school and turn in my Wii thinking i'll only play 1 hour but somehow that 1 hour turns into 4! and then a go to bed at 1am or 2 and wake up at maybe 9 then next morning to work on some homework before classes and again I find myself thinking "i wonder if i can get this done if i'll have time to play...."
I made plans to eat dinner with a friend on friday and i almost wanted to cancel so that i could go home and play Zelda because my host dad had been using the TV every night this week.
i must be addicted (@_@) just put some z's instead of @ symbols and that makes a good emotocon of my current condition.............
Anyways, even of my ranting for now... It's time to play more Zelda! I swear, i will finish this game if it's not the last thing i do!
and why did you not call me when you were back in cali to visit? lame, man, lame. -lotrluvr
I have no cell in the US anymore and I was only visiting family because my brother got married. And if you wanted to hear from me, why haven't YOU emailed ME in the last oh, 7 months?? now that's what i call lame. (:-P)
( I don't know yours anymore, can u tell me?)
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