
In english, I would say "Stick a fork in me, i'm done!"
Anyways, today was the first full day here in japan. I feel like I have brought San Francisco's weather with me, because it's been cloudy and drizzlely... I have yet to see the sun here. And when it's wet like this, it makes it difficult for the people who have lots of luggage (like me hahah).
Well so yesterday, we just arrived at the airport and some of the Waseda students met us at the airport and helped get our bags onto carts. Then we rode a chartered bus for 2 hours to get from Narita to Takadanobaba, Tokyo.
On the way there, I saw Tokyo Disneyland. ^_^ it looks soooo cool i really hope to go there.
Once we arrived, there were more helpful Waseda students to help us with our bags. I was saved by a guy named Jin-kun. Without his help, there would have been NOOOO way that I could have carried my giant duffel bag by myself.
After we arrived at the hotel and moved our bags to our rooms, we had our first meal in japan...
Yes, that's right, i'm in japan and i'm eating pizza at Shakey's.
That's was mostly it for Tuesday... Today is where thing really started.
We had our first day of orientation and got a lot of questions answered and raised others. I haven't read the whole packet yet, so i'll wait to write about it till i do.
I can say that i have spoken more japanese in one day than i think i spoke in a month of japanese class. And it's tiring. I don't think i would have ever realized how tiring it is to just talk.
But i'm really glad that the japanese students who are helping us are patient. Without that, I may have cracked already....
oh and i had donburi for lunch ^_^ it was tasty and only 580¥. and later I found 1000¥on the floor so i got luck and didn't have to pay anything for lunch, in a way ^^
Also, may people here are suprised about my nickname and that I have a Japanese boyfriend. they ask me so many questions, it seems like they really want to meet him, i think ^_^
After a walk of waseda that included practice using the train and bus, I was interviewed for host family placement. the program leader, Kazaoka-san said that my personality is really apparent. I wonder exactly what she means by that?

After that, we went to karaoke! yaya! it's been to long since i went, i'm glad we decided to go again ^_^
next time: i will describe the group of people who are in the program with me, and more about the program here at SILS of Waseda!
Hey Claire! Glad u're having fun! Do u know Stephen? I know he's in that same program too and I think he was referring to Momo-chan that this one girl next to him got really drunk...anyways, take care!
Hi Veronica! Yah Steven's was there and he was helping Momo-chan (real name Heather) to get drunk ^_^ I lost count of the drinks they had. We ordered the "nomihoudai" which is all you can drink for 2 and half hours and I tell you, people really took advanage of that!
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