I actually have to look at my camera's pictures to remember what I've been up too...
So what have I been doing? Went to Nikko to see waterfalls and autumn leaves (but most were already brown and dead...except for the one in this picture) on Nov 2., hung out with random friends for lunch, met a friend knew from Mixi and hung out in Akihabara and when to a maid cafe, been sick, when to school, skipped Aikido club for a day and hung out with friends after classes and watched a japanese movie 手紙 (Tegami, or Letter) and when to dinner afterwards, was late to school one morning and was rushing so was riding my bike fast and turned a corner badly and fell of my bike and skinned my arm (could have been worse), hung out with other girls from CSU and found out that they gossip about each other sooo much, traveled about 1 hour from Shinjuku to go to Mt. Takao to see beautiful autumn leaves (there was some there this time), offically found out that I can go to Okayama for New Years!!!, watched videos of the new Legend of Zelda game and decide I REALLY REALLY want to play it, hung out with a friend from her birthday and got too drunk and was sick all on this Monday, and hung out with friends for dinner yesterday and ate this really fishy-fish that I tasted for hours afterwards. (>.<)
And one day I try to call my mom and she emails me that she's in Tahoe. I couldn't tell you how much want to escape this whirlwind life for a bit and relax with her in Tahoe too...
People ask me if I'm doing alright because I look really tired (I sleep but I don't feel like I'm resting much.... I still have bags under my eyes, what my friend calls "Panda Eyes") and I just say "Well, I'm not dead yet, so the worst hasn't happened." It kinda reminds me of the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I think that even if my arms and legs were chopped off, I'd still be the one to keep screaming "It is merely a flesh wound! I can still fight!!! Come at me, you pussy!!!" I wanna keep fighting to keep my head above the water so I don't drown.
I think that if I was back in Cali now, this would be whirlwind time too; My friends back at DVC are hooking up right and left with people I never would have expected, I just found out some shocking news about my older brother, school would be hella busy......
Maybe this is just the feeling that many people get around this time of year, the "Holiday Season". So that's me in the picture... just looking around and wondering what the hell is going on. Once again, I'm being swept along with the river of live with barely a paddle to steer my course...
There are some stories of the last two weeks I want to tell (specially about Akiba with the Mixi friend) but I'll have to save it for another time... Today is Thankgiving (Happy Thanksgiving!!!) or Labor Gratitude Day in Japan (Happy Labor Gratitude Day!) so our CSU group is having a group buffet dinner at the army base ^_^ Let's eat lots and lots of steak!!! STEAK!!!!! Oh and on Saturday I intend to go to Nintendo World to try out Legend of Zelda and Sunday is a L'arc~en~Ceil concert.
Busy, busy, busy...
But I'm still alive and breathing so it's alright. Even if I'm not always the happiest, I live to survive to the time when I can be happy.
Cheers, and Happy Thanksgiving ^_^ I wish you all enough.
"our CSU group is having a group buffet dinner at the army base ^_^ Let's eat lots and lots of steak!!! STEAK!!!!!"
Silly carnivore, tofurkey is much better ^_^
One of these days, I'm going to have to see how vegans celebrate the holidays ^_^
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