(Photo gallery) (Concert clip)

I was surprised that there weren't so many people there, for such a famous band.... also, there was mostly Japanese too, not many international students or foriegners... oh and I was so tall, i could see easily ^_^
thank you, thank you Rod for letting me burn your CDs and introducing me to the カンペキDuo of Yuki and Chika!
what did i do, other than Bennie K..........
I hung out with my friend Orie, eating delicious festival food (yakisoba, fried bananas) , watching male cheerleaders the Waseda Breakerz (just imagine high school cheerleaders, but all guys... they even smile too much too...) , and talking to the Manga club about joining thier club......
so, Tomorrow~~~
I'm going to wear my yukata and help out at the International club Niji no Kai (Rainbow Club) Takoyaki booth!
...Yes Kodai, i'm making Takoyaki for the Gay Club :-P
Oh, Masaki, there is a club called GLOW (Gay and Lesbians of Waseda) I don't know what they are about, but if i have time tomorrow, i'll check it out ^_^
Well, see yah later~~~
Goodnight and good morning (depending on what time zone your in ^_^)
man, i didnt even kno what the schedule was like for wasedasai.. or tomorrow. i wonder whos performing then! i didnt get their til 3.. and i went mainly to watch derek. u looked like u had fun =) ur really pickn it up in japan huh. no nomikais for claire! lol
You only got there at 3? I think you missed a lot... did you see the Breakers? i think you had seen them before though at a baseball game. I didn't get to see Derik! i didn't know where he was! I guess i'll have to check his group out today ^_^
yes! there is more fun in this japanese life than drinking yourself silly!
hehe ya i need to stop missin out on all the fun! i did see the breakers cuz dereks group was at the end of all of that. i just watched all the dancing. ill see u in class in a couple hrs =P
I don't mind going with you too see what GLOW and Rainbow College is about, so if you want to go together, i'd be interested.
...^_^ see you in class
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