Tuesday, September 19, 2006


And who says that things in Japan come in small sizes?????????????

I was relaxing on my bed, listening to music, when something on the ceiling caught my attention:


Not just big, we're talking trantula-size, except less hairy and cute. Like the size of my hand.

I couldn't even try and get close enough to squash it, it was so freaky.( Maybe I've seen too many spider monster movies..........) I tried to coax it into my small laundry hamper or then skish it with an umbrella.... no go.

Everyone was gone from the house, except the grandfather, called Ojiisan. I feel like a wimp for asking a 75 year old man for help. He also tried to skish it with tissue but that damn thing was fast and it ran from the corner to the middle on the cieling. I tried once more to futilely get it to fall into the laundry bag, but only managed to make it fall to the floor. I screamed as it skuttered around the floor and finally dove into my closet.

Oh shit. Now I can't see it. I feel like I'm one of those horror movies, knowing the monster is somewhere out there, just waiting to attack.........

I closed the closet trying to offer myself some assurance that at least it could come out.... maybe.

My host mom came home, and I told her the story. She said it's very rare for spiders to be that big.... She was searching for some spider spray when we saw it, on the wall above the enterance way. She stood on the stairs and sprayed to make it fall, and then Ojiisan got it with a tissue and sent it to a watery grave - the toilet.

After this experience, I think I hate spiders.


Anonymous said...

OMG, I was so right to be excited about your new experiences. There is more to come, hehehe!!

Anonymous said...

maybe, you will dream "A HUGE FAT SPIDER" tonight.

Good Luck wwww

Unknown said...


The typhoon mostly hit southern japan (Kyushuu and the sea of Japan/Korea) but it dropped a whole lotta rain up here in the Tokyo area... it's rained or sprinkled almost every day. Today is sunny though, so I hope for no rain!

Exciting?? I could do without spider experiences any day!

nope, they were wierder...

Anonymous said...

waaahhhh!! creepy! A spider that big and I would've ran out of that room!!!!!